You are built for a purpose
You are not too far gone to receive the forgiveness of Jesus Christ
consider this
Your search for meaning will not by satisfied until it leads you to Jesus Christ. You are built for purpose. That purpose comes from submitting to the call of God upon your life.
But how do you get there?

Don’t Judge For Him
Your thoughts are not God’s thoughts. Your ways are not His ways. If Jesus speaks life over you, it is not up to you to cancel that word. It is your job to receive it and spend your days pursuing its understanding.
The Distance Is Real
Once you give your life to Jesus, your sins are erased. This can be hard to understand since, as humans, we don’t act that way. Human nature holds grudges and remembers offenses. That is not how is it with God. He truly separates us from our sins when we surrender to Him!
He Is Waiting On You
Sometimes people can complicate Jesus. You do not have to ‘clean up’ before you come to Him asking for forgiveness. The ‘clean up’ happens because of who He is in you when you accept Him! The God of the Universe is waiting on you. All you have to do is turn to Him and surrender your heart. There is no better decision that you can make!
John 5:24
Eternal life is found in Jesus Christ.
“Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears my words, and believes him who sent me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgement, but has passed out of death into life.”
Jesus is the only way to salvation.
“Whoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved.”
Romans 10:13
Psalm 103:12
God forgives!
“As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us.”

Read Your Bible
Getting started can be intimidating. There are so many translations, where do I start?! Start with the one that you will read! After you fall in love with the Word of God, you can then start to compare translations, but if you aren’t reading anything, you are missing the mirror that gives you understanding of who you were created to be! Check out – NKJV, NLT, ESV and other versions to get started.
Prayer is a conversation. It’s talking to Jesus! Don’t worry about saying the right things, it is the condition of the heart. Ask Him questions and wait for an answer. Be real with Him. He doesn’t need you to wear a mask in His Presence. He knows the "real you" anyway. Praise Him! Share your struggles. Share your joys. He hears you!
Join A Church Family
As Christians, we need to be in community. It’s not about a social club; it is about growing together in the things of God. It is about being around mature Christians to be mentored by, and when you are ready, to mentor others as you have been mentored.
Get Baptized
When we are baptized in water, we go into the water one way and come out another! There is a spiritual transaction that takes place. It is an expression of your sins being washed away. Get water baptized. It can be done in a bathtub or in a church. What matters is the condition of your heart!
Tell Others About Jesus
"Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give" (Matthew 10:8). Now that you have been given the gift of eternal life, it is now your privilege to share this Good News with others. You don’t need to go to seminar after seminar to start. Just start! Pray in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ for healing. Pray for people to receive a touch from the Holy Spirit and experience the love of God. It is already in you! Tell people your testimony. No one can deny what God has done in your life! Share Jesus!
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For You.
For You.